Working With Lupus

There are misconceptions about whether or not lupus patients can lead fulfilling work lives. So, let’s look at the facts of working with lupus and see if we can debunk some of the myths. The information in this article is adapted from the sixth edition of The Lupus Book.


MYTH: Lupus patients are not able to work.

On the contrary, the majority of those with lupus are able to work if they choose to do so. If you are interested in finding work, get your job search started with a few of the links below and consult with your healthcare team for questions regarding any accomodations you may need.


MYTH: I will not be able to complete my daily tasks due to my condition.

There are some daily tasks that will prove to be more difficult depending on the job requirements and the level of lupus activity in your body. Be honest during your interview and speak with your prospective employer about reasonable accommodations. “Companies with more than 15 employees must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandates making a reasonable accommodation for individuals with special needs.” This could include flexible work hours, limited sun exposure, and tasks that are easier on the joints. For more information on accommodations in the workplace see the link below.


MYTH: I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the work hours.

“Most lupus patients work best in an environment in which their hours are flexible and rest periods are available when needed.” There are plenty of jobs and careers out there with reasonable hours AND interesting work. The great thing about our working world today is that you have more flexibility than ever when it comes to your work schedule. If you choose to work remotely, then you can sit, stand, lay down, or take breaks as you need throughout your day. There are also jobs where your income can be earned on a per project basis. If you work in an office space or building with other associates, you can speak with your employer about accommodations to your schedule to allow you short resting periods throughout the day.


Remember that you get to choose! At the end of the day, the job or career you pick should compliment your lifestyle and experience. Get familiar with the accommodations you may need and make sure to ask for them; you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Have fun on your job hunt, you have so much to offer!


For more information about working with lupus, see the most recent edition of The Lupus Book. Schedule a visit with one of our compassionate doctors at Wallace & Lee Center if you have further questions about your treatment options.


  1. Wallace DJ. The lupus book: a guide for patients and their families. New York: Oxford University Press; 2019.